• Training and Career Development

Training & Career Developments

At CCS not only have we created a working environment of equal opportunity but also a platform for continuous learning and development because we believe Human Resource is one of the most valuable assets in our possession.
We provide not only in-house training, but also external training for our staff members where we nominate the participants based on the identified training requirements. Outbound training is the most interesting learning event which everyone enjoys.
Our internal Training & Development team conducts island-wide dispersed programmes for sales staff which enhances both technical and behavioural skills. These programmes add a huge weight on positive mentality and workplace satisfaction of sales staff members.
Apart from the diversified training programmes, we promote coaching programmes and these create opportunities for further career development. We always value investments in training and career developments and this yields employee satisfaction as return on investment and we believe it is the most significant aspect of Human Resource of a Company.

  • Out Bound Training (OBT)

    Our annual outbound training programs for our employees seek to enhance individual and team performance through experiential learning that includes outdoor, adventure and team-building activities.
    These activities focus on improving leadership skills, strategic thinking, planning skills, communication, change management ability and motivation. Each year we come up with a theme which is in line with organizational business objectives, and outbound training activities are built around this theme.

  • Core Values Programs

    Our Core Values Programs are designed to strengthen staff members to encourage integrating company values in their day to day work. Developed as a continuous initiative which encourages our employees to recognize and admire team members for demonstrating organisational values.

    Our internal training team developed and shared a detailed story for each value with the entire staff population. This initiative enabled to establish an open philosophy among our teams to understand the deep insights of each value.
    The Cheer the Peers program was developed in-line with our values tree which demonstrates five branches for each value and symbolises its growing and flourishing nature.
    We encourage people to recognize and cheer their team members by posting cheer cards on the values tree. The recognizing procedure of the programme exists for both cheer offerees and cheer offerors and a token of appreciation will be awarded by the leadership team.

  • DSR Training Program

    CCS chain of sales consists of several positions which have Distributor Sales Representatives at its end, which makes them a critical link of the chain engaging with sales outlets having a direct effect on the market position of Elephant House Beverages
    With the prime objective of elevating our sales teams to be the best in the local FMCG industry, our sales representatives are provided with a thorough training through sales induction programs, on the job training, regional in house training programs, outbound training and motivational training sessions.
    The depth of the programs is decided by comparing the ideal competencies of a DSR and the average current competencies of a DSR in our organisation. Consequently learning programs would be conducted to bridge the identified competency gaps.